Monday, April 27, 2009


I took a mini trip up to Sac with the weekend crew, minus Eddie. We finally got to check out the Mather Field park; the last time we drove up there the park wasn't completed. It was pretty chill, but I still don't like Sac.

Why do cherry fruit snacks look like a veiny penis?

Head bangers. Also notice the missing shoe in the middle.

Stopped by FTC, got mean-mugged by black kids, and yelled at for snapping this photo. San Francisco's FTC is way better.


Stephanie said...

haha! i was waiting for you to say that you still dislike sac. why did you get scolded for the last photo? not allowed to take photos?

Wynn said...

Yeah, I'm not a fan of FTC Sacramento either.

mrc said...
