Sunday, May 31, 2009

Back To The Berg

Spent the day in SF with Eddie, Heidi, Jacob, and Wynn to watch some fools get broke. Wallenberg was dope; it was cool to see so many heads in skateboarding. It always trips me out to see how small the skaters I see in videos really are in person. There was a good turn out for the contest as expected. We had a hard time trying to find a spot to see anything, but I had fun regardless.

MC Jake Phelps tossing products for the kids.

Peeps were getting angles from everywhere.

Before we got to the contest, we saw Julien Stranger riding his bike up Masonic and all just froze. Legendary.

All Hail Cardiel!

Jamie Thomas and Geoff Rowley.


Chris Cole showed up to win the contest.

Ladies first. I had my money on Marisa Dal Santo (blue hoodie) to be the first girl to ollie the big 4. She was so close, that girl is gnarly.

Hella frustrated. This girl got jacked: bruised elbow, cut up hands, limping.

Starting from the dude in the hoodie on the left: Peter Hewitt, Frank Gerwer, Mic-E Reyes, Jim Thiebaud.

Phil Cheng from Macaframa was there.

Gordon De Los Santos from Worker Bee.

Lizard King.

Andrew Pott.

Johnny Layton.

Apparently, Eddie was still hyped after the contest.

We also did a little bit of hill bombing.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Wallenberg This Saturday

Who's going?

Painting With Light

Just having some fun experimenting.

An attempt at a flower, not bad.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Random May Days

It's been a fun month.

Ray is stoked...

...cause he saw this.

Andrew snuck onto the hummer on our way to the city.

Stussy party in SF